Feminine Forte

How to use your Feminine Powers to lead & succeed in the workplace

In today’s demanding world, where women, especially entrepreneurs are expected to perform a variety of conflicting roles in order to “make it” they adopt tough, aggressive, and controlling traits, and loose their innate feminine strengths that are not so feminine after all. These “so called feminine strengths” make up the “New strengths” everyone wants to have in life and in the workforce to go beyond success to achieve connection, fulfillment and freedom.

But that’s not my FORTE™

How to Ignite Your Strengths and achieve your dreams!

To thrive in every day life and in our businesses, as women we need to first acknowledge our greatest assets and then play those strengths to the fullest. Yvonne’s keynote shows you how to find Your Forte. It reveals how to pinpoint your greatest strengths and then PLAY on those strengths to ignite your relationships your prosperity and your overall happiness.

Reinvent yourself at any age and live an extraordinary life

3 Keys to become a better and happier you

Why live an ordinary life if you can live an extraordinary life?
The biggest problem that we humans have is that we often lose our way. We sink into the routine and we feel trapped and stagnate. This talk revolves around the Art to Reinvent your life no matter what situation you find yourself in. Yvonne masterfully reveals the 3 essential keys, so you can highlight the best of you, attract more love and abundance, enjoy the life you have now and create the life you dream about, anywhere and at any age. Learning the art of reinventing is one of the best gifts a woman can give herself.